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Quantum Healing, QHHT, Dolores Cannon Hypnotherapy


Past Life Regression - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

The Art of Alternative Medicine


Often people have life struggles or roadblocks but find it difficult to understand the causal factor responsible, even after trying a variety of therapies. If this is you, it’s possible that you’ve inherited trauma from a past life unbeknownst to your conscious mind. Buried deep down in your subconscious (SC) mind, this trauma requires a very unique and at times, intense form of therapy – enter the world of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).


QHHT is a type of past life regression hypnosis developed over 45 years by Dolores Cannon. Through a perfected series of hypnotic suggestions, clients are taken to one of the deepest levels of trance, known as the Somnambulistic Level. In the Somnambulistic Level, a person’s mind  achieves a “state of nothingness”, a stillness which leads to an ultimate level of suggestibility. This is where we have the ability to access the part of ourselves that holds all of the answers. Once somnambulism is achieved, the SC will begin introducing scenes from your past lives; places in time that are important for you to observe. The QHHT process has the ability to help individuals release themselves from destructive, harmful mindsets or habits, and gain insight into one’s divine power to live a more fulfilling, connected and aligned life. 


What is Quantum Healing?


To begin, let’s review the use of the word Quantum as it pertains to QHHT.  In this specific practice, Quantum refers to the idea that time is linear, or simultaneously happening. If we can go back in our minds’ eye (imagination) under hypnosis to a time in our perceived past, there, our higher self will show us images, visions, insights and information that we may need to help with whatever concerns may be troublesome.  The dominant concept of QHHT is that we have all the knowledge within to heal ourselves. Under hypnosis, the mind and body have the ability to relax enough to tap into our deeper knowledge that our “higher self” or subconscious wants to reveal to us. With this information, clients have the ability to heal in the past which in turn, heals your current situation.  This is referred to as “quantum healing”. 


What to expect from a QHHT session?


People interested in a QHHT session should know that this specific type of hypnosis deals with taking you through a series of past lives in order to help you find information that might be useful to you in your waking life. This healing can be very powerful, and a great alternative type of mind-body therapy. The subconscious can only and will only heal to the level of what’s appropriate for each individual for the betterment of their soul’s purpose. QHHT can be a spiritual awakening for some, and for others, a giant step in personal growth. 


The QHHT process is unique due to the depth of consciousness, the extensive time of the session, and the immediate benefits one can witness. A QHHT session can last anywhere from 4-6 hours and often only one session is required. Prior to the session you will be given an intake form where you’ll be asked to write down no more than 10 questions you’d like to ask your SC/higher self. On the day of your appointment you will want to avoid coffee, and limit your intake of liquids. The first two hours we will spend time understanding as much information as possible about your life.  This can include names of family members, chronic ailments, mental health states, relationships, and any other relevant information that might assist you on your personal journey. 


We then begin a 1- 2 hour hypnosis journey where you will be gently guided to a state of deep relaxation. Once in trance, your subconscious will begin the process of showing you scenes from past lives. Here you will want to really trust the process, trust the first thing that you see. You may find your “ego” or “conscious” mind trying to hold on thinking “I’m making this up” or “I’m not under hypnosis”. This is where trusting the process can be most beneficial for your personal growth. Quitting the mind chatter and simply being the observer is key here. For each past life or experience you encounter, we ask your subconscious the reason for showing those specific lives. We ask what the lessons were and this information can be a source of spiritual healing, energy healing and personal growth. Some people cry, become overjoyed, or release pain. Many gain insights on how to see things from a different perspective and remove themselves from a victim mentality. In this space, painful memories can be seen simply as lessons and instead alchemize insight of what that experience was meant to teach. Most people awaken with a sense of gratitude and immense love and compassion for themselves. 


As the practitioner, I will be there asking all the questions of your subconscious, guiding you to a place of inner peace and healing. Upon awakening, we will discuss the lessons learned and affirm that you are able to move forward with the newfound knowledge you have acquired to live a healthier and happier life. It can be such a healing process and it is a very unique experience; and I’ll be helping you all the way :) 


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